camper park oasis

San Fulgencio Oasis now popular mobile home RV camper site

Local RV Motorhome San Fulgencio Oasis al Camino San Fulgencio

San Fulgencio Oasis Situated in San Fulgencio just behind Iceland Alicante just off the Mediterranean coast road near La Marina.🎈 Interesting leads to other info on Camp sites in Spain 

Camper Park Oasis al Camino, San Fulgencio, La Marina, Alicante.

Fon:. 0034 603 538 670 Gerald.Krausse @

San Fulgencio Oasis oasis-header
San Fulgencio Oasis
San Fulgencio Oasis oasis-map
San Fulgencio Oasis

Directions San Fulgencio Oasis

Directly on the N332 between La Marina and Guardamar KM 74.5

San Fulgencio Norte exit, turn left at the roundabout in front of Lidl,

at the end of the road to the right. After 500 m you reach the site.

The camper site and surroundings

The site is located approximately 2 km from the center in a quiet location.

Shopping Lidl, Mercadona, Appie Hein and Iceland

They are about 5 minutes on foot from the camp site.

The beach is about 1 km.

oasis-2 San Fulgencio Oasis
San Fulgencio Oasis

La Marina Computer Info

Computer la Marina

Computer Info in general for residents and visitors to La Marina San Fulgencio computer help shops or local digital web site builders .

Castles Valencia Region now you can make a visit💋

Santa Barbera Castle view

Castles Valencia Region The area has 19 in total we list some of the interesting wher access can be gained some are free others are by a guide.

The prices at San Fulgencio Oasis

First – 3 Day / dia / day: 10,00 € incl V + E

4th – 30 “8.00 €

Month / mes / month: 230,00 incl electricity

Electricity, luz, electricity: €

Shower, shower and, shower: 1,00 €

Washing machine. / Dryer,

lavadora / secadora: €

heated toilet rooms + showers.

The first guests arrived at Oasis Camper Park on Nov 18, 2010

oasis-3-first-guests San Fulgencio Oasis
San Fulgencio Oasis

The first guests arrived at Oasis Camper Park on Nov 18, 2010

oasis-january-bbq San Fulgencio Oasis
San Fulgencio Oasis

A normal sunny day in January at Oasis Camper Park having and enjoying a BBQ.

oasis-4-march San Fulgencio Oasis
San Fulgencio Oasis

Now its March at Oasis Camper Park and getting nice and hot.

oasis-beach San Fulgencio Oasis
San Fulgencio Oasis nearest beach

Local Oasis Camper Park

Large Detached Villas available

Plot sizes are Large 10,000m2 plots, 4 bed villas available. 290.000 euros.

Stop Dreaming Come live that Dream?

Large Villa Pinoso
Large Detached Villa

Nice unique country property. CLICK BELOW

Touring Spain With A Camper Van

– The Must Have Travel Journal for your Camper Van Adventures in Spain: – Record Every Detail of Your Overnight … This Quality Camper Van Journal

San Fulgencio Oasis

Take your camper van to Spain and enjoy its idyllic climate and coastline with stunning beaches with dramatic vistas, rolling hills and mountains inland combined with the mouth watering cuisine and glorious history makes Spain a must visit country with your camper van.

From the warm hospitality of its people to the pleasures of cities like Madrid, Barcelona and Seville to the sun kissed beaches of the Costas, there is so much to see and do in this fantastic country.

When you are there you will meet new and like minded friends which also makes for a rewarding experience so this ‘Touring Spain With A Camper Van Travel Journal’ is the perfect way to record all of your adventures and experiences.

Record every campsite or wild camping location and what you did on a daily basis.

This journal will be a vital point of reference for your future travel adventures especially if you want to revisit some locations.


Do please come on over and look at or even make the odd post onto La Marina Info.

Keep up with the latest in La Marina area. It is an open Forum to take part just click in the box to join.

It is Free to join and to make postings.
Come and Follow local happening’s and even a bit of what’s going on and where.

San Fulgencio Oasis

Spain Info.
Urb Marina, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante, Spain

optimised 28 feb 2021 San Fulgencio Oasis 90 and 97 may 3 July 29 H 62 March 6 March 15 RV MOTORHOME May 20 San Fulgencio Oasis 6 H 93 San Fulgencio Oasis 15 May 25 Jan 1 H 74 P 93 FK 100 F

Camper Park Oasis al Camino, San Fulgencio, La Marina, Alicante

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Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to provide accurate information, no liability will be accepted for misinterpretation, misrepresentation, errors or omissions - the information provided by our Websites is for use as a guide only and is issued in good faith as information..
All photographs images and FILM material is subject to the understanding that as they are in the public domain they can be used and shared as seen to be appropriate and unless showing a sign that they are covered by copyright law. This also covers Social media operations.

