Potatoes in Pots

Potatoes in Pots now Bigger Pot much Better Crop

Try Potatoes in Pots on the Balcony or in your Spanish Garden

Potatoes in pots Growing Potatoes in Buckets or any kind of container you have around, is very easy and virtually maintenance free In return you will have lovely fresh new potatoes.
The Spanish  Gardening Index Page

Potatoes in pots Enormous harvest of Container Grown Potatoes.

I decided to harvest the remaining 7 containers of potatoes this evening.
These are the Sarpo Miras grown in smaller 30 litre pots.

The result was the biggest crop I’ve ever had of about 75 pounds from the 7 pots with some of the potatoes being enormous.

The first one being almost 13.5 pounds from just a single pot.
So I will continue to grow my spuds this way and grow more of this variety.

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How to grow potatoes in containers.

Just a quick video showing how I grow a few potatoes in the polytunnel in containers for an extra early crop.

I use a really fast maturing first early potato such as Rocket.
Then simply add 3-4″ of compost to a pot or a container,add a little fertilizer and than place your seed potatoes on the surface.

As a general rule use one seed potato to about every 15 litres of pot size.
Then cover with another layer of about 3″ of compost.

After a couple of weeks the shoots should emerge and then just keep filling the pot up with compost leaving a few inches of the leaves visible as they grow until you reach the top of the pot.

I cover with bubblewrap initially as it helps to keep any warmth in the soil.

Cover with fleece or similar if a frost is forecast.
Hopefully after 70-80 days or earlier you should then have some really early new potatoes,much earlier than you would growing outside.

Sola gardens

Potatoes in pots Potato Crop

Planting of Yukon Gold and Red Skin Potatoes some in 5 gallon pails and some in the garden spot.

The pails have drain holes in the bottoms with the bottom layer being a light sandy soil and the remainder 100% composted leaves.

Growing Potatoes in 5 Gallon Buckets

Growing Potatoes in 5 Gallon Buckets or any kind of container you have around, Growing potatoes is very easy and virtually maintenance free.
Please visit our Facebook page and post your gardening ideas.

Potatoes in white buckets potatoes inside pots
potatoes inside pots

Do keep in mind that here in Spain, you need to keep a close eye on not letting your pots dry out.

Some growers recon also that they do not take kindly to standing in water dishes.

Potatoes in Pots March potatoes inside pots
potatoes inside pots

As requested ABOVE is a photo of how my own adventure into potatoes in pots has gone so far.

As you can see they are now up to the top of the pots and they are starting to grow rapidly.

I planted them as seen, in first photo on the 1st March. It’s not too late to grow your own. Think of those nice fresh New Potatoes that you can enjoy with your meals or have with salads.

Potatoes Pots May potatoes inside pots
potatoes inside pots

These are the same plants on 4th May

Spain info potatoes in pots to make at home, potatoes in pots and potatoes in pots,or even Spanish potatoes in pots fom Spain info, spain info on potatoes and even potatoes in pots recipe.

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This is an invitation to come and have a look at another Groups Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1623745237901625/?fref=ts

It is called Hints and tips about gardening in Spain. The pitfalls and the joys. Limited advertising is allowed provided it is on subject.

Spain info also covers Bowls Clubs Golf Go Karting fishing Caves and other sports here in the Mediterranean.
The web site Spain info also lists the Local Hot Water Spas many of them dating back to Roman times.

Potatoes in pots

Optimised March 16 P97 w100 July 11 H 74 Jan 8 H77 Potatoes in Pots 24 H 94 May 2 H 97 F

Spain Info.

San Francisco De Asis, Urb Marina, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante, Spain.

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