Come and try our Local Food
Cape Verde food Cachupa Rica Cape Verde’s national dish a stew made with fish meat and vegetables breakfast is Cuscuz a rich dense slightly sweet tasty meal
Cachupa is a slow-cooked stew with pork spare ribs (or any other protein), chorizo, bacon, cabbage, hominy corn, mixed beans, cassava and sweet potato.This dish is loaded with protein from Cape Verde!

Cape Verde Food
How to make Cape Verdean food “jagasida
Cape Verde Food
In this video I show you how I make a traditional Cape Verdean food, jagasida.
I hope you enjoy this video. Comment and let me know if you tried the recipe!! Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and like the video.
Thank you!! ❤️🇨🇻

Cape Verdean CusCus!!!
Cape Verdean Cuscus recipes… soooo delish breakfast food!!! Finely grated white corn, on a double boiler and you have an easy, fiber rich breakfast food!!! Cook for 20-25 minutes Ingredients 3 cups of corn flour 1 cup water sugar to taste cinnamon to taste.
Cuscuz is a rich, dense Cape Verdean breakfast food made mainly of corn flour. It’s slightly sweet and steamed in a clay pot, called a binde.
Holiday Meals | Cape Verde rice Flavorful white rice cooked ISLAND STYLE
Do you LOVE white rice? How about white rice with a flavorful flare? If so you’ll LOVE this video on how to make simple rice POP with flavor. Portugese Olive oil Goya Jasmine Rice White Onion Chicken Knorr Parsley Sea Salt (OPTIONAL) Black pepper (OPTIONAL) Thanks SO much for watching my video! Please be sure to share, comment and SUBSCRIBE! It means the WORLD and helps my content grow! Obrigado! I’m Ideally Ilca make sure anything you do is IDEALLY YOU!
Cape Verde Food
Pastel de Milho – Massa | Receitas De Cabo-Verde
Massa: 200g farinha de milho 220g batata doce cozida 80ml água morna Amassar todos os ingredientes até obter uma massa compacta. Esticar a massa, moldar no formato desejado. Rechear com peixe. Fritar em óleo até dourar. Dica: Se a massa ficar seca, adicione um pouco de água morna.
ENGLISH Cape Verde Food recipes.
Dough: 200g fine cornmeal 220g baked sweet potato 80ml warm water Knead all ingredients until fully compact. Stretch the dough with a rolling pin. Mold it as desire. Fill the dough with fish. Fry in oil until golden brown. Tip: Slowly add some warm water if the dough gets dry.
Cape Verde Foods | 🇨🇻 | Top Traditional Cape Verdean Foods recipes Cape Verdean Cuisine
Cape Verde Food
Surf’s always up on a Cape Verde surf camp.

Surf’s always up on a Cape Verde surf camp.
Matched with an emerald sea and perfectly warm weather, this destination also has great waves. The islands here receive swells from both the north and the south. Notable surf spots include Santa Maria, a beach break with lots of different lefts and rights, and Fontana, where you can experience a big swell. All you need to do now is find the Cape Verde surf school or surf camp that best suits your preferences and book your spot! MORE INFO FOM HERE
Cape Verde Food
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Naturist potential beaches where you may feel at ease
A few ideas of Naturist potential
Naturist potential some beaches and resorts in Cape Verde are known to be welcoming to naturists, though they may not officially advertise as such
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Cape Verde Food
Optimised July 5 H 66 Aug 30 F h 66 P 86 OK Cape Verde dishes jagasida
Urb Marina, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante, Spain.
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