Calpe Bowls

Bowling Paraisomar Levante Beach Calpe now Catch the Sunshine


Bowling Paraisomar Calpe Promenade Bowls Club is part of the Edificio Paraiso Mar complex, located on the Playa de Levante promenade in between Bar 78 and the Blue Eden Bar.


Bowling Paraisomar  Edf. Paraiso Mar, Levante Beach, Calpe.


Calpe Promenade Bowls Club is part of the Edificio Paraiso Mar complex, located on the Playa de Levante promenade in between Bar 78 and the Blue Eden Bar. Or contact Tony James on 634 328 483 . 

Peter Foster

Tel: +34 680 298 753


Paraiso Mar Bowling Club
Edf. Paraiso Mar, Levante Beach, 03710, Calpe, Alicante.

Map: Calpe+Bowls+Club/@38.6439538,0.0702092

calpe bowls club rink
Bowling Calpe

Paraiso Mar Bowling Club is part of the Edificio Paraiso Mar complex, right on the Playa de Levante promenade, at Calpe, Alicante.

Paraiso-Mar-Bowling-Club-ROCK Bowling Paraisomar
Bowling Calpe

The Peñon de Ifach rock provides a dramatic backcloth to the green.

The club’s kiosk can be seen at the far corner.

Lawn Bowling in Spain, Paraiso Mar Bowling Club,green bowls,Green2.jpg (16259 bytes)

Paraiso-Mar-Bowling-Club-pool Bowling Paraisomar

Another view of the four rink green.

Lawn Bowling in Spain, Paraiso Mar Bowling Club,green bowls,RestIn.jpg (21796 bytes)

paraiso-aria-View Bowling ParaisomarBowling Paraisomar Paraiso Mar Bowling Club.

is part of the Edificio Paraiso Mar complex, right on the Playa de Levante promenade,

at Calpe, Alicante.

SPORT Are you interested in Sporting and Adventure activities and holidays abroad? If so do come  and click in over have a look to the group site Sporting + Adventures in Spain and Just have some Fun Time

Paraiso-Mar-Bowling-Club-logo Bowling Paraisomar
Bowling Calpe

Four rink bowling green. Artificial carpet. Outdoors. On a very exclusive location in front of the beach in Calpe, Alicante, Spain.

We organize for good accommodation, value for money, indoor heated pool included,spa. Club organization, we have more than 60 memebers and federated in Costa Blanca League.

It is ideal for small touring groups. The greens are beautifully situated on the Levante Beach sea front and promenade with many cafes and restaurants nearby. Groups of bowlers would enjoy the opportunity of playing bowls against different sides each day on this well positioned green.

The green forms part of an excellent seafront apartment complex, where bowlers should be staying.

Near the accommodation, you will find many restaurants which serve a 3 course meal with wine for under 10 euros. Bookings for restaurants can be arranged. Ask for our special offers in accommodation and ask for quotes all in price..

Subscriptions, (Euros)
Single     Married Couple
Annual     223     415
6 Months     142     259
3 Months     85     148
1 Month     40     70

 Paraíso Mar Bowling Paraisomar Bowling Paraisomar Apartamentos Paraíso Mar/


Featuring outdoor and indoor swimming pools, gardens and a restaurant, Apartamentos Paraíso Mar is located at the front of Levante Beach.

It offers bright apartments with balcony and sea views. More

Green fees (non subscribers) per person €7, – 2 hours session.

Hired woods (per person ) €2.

Calpe Airport Information

Distance from Alicante airport to Calpe is 76km.

Total trip with a car usually takes around 50 minutes

Travel time from Valencia Airport is 1 hr 28 min (129.5 km) via AP-7

Calpe Bowls Club Dinner Dance.


Calpe Bowls Club Presentation Dinner Dance.

NEXT Club.

Daily outings


Costa Blanca Bowls

Costa Blanca Bowls Alicante

Is the southern most province of Valencia region. 

It’s coastline is called the Costa Blanca. The capital Alicante is approximately half way down the coastline. 

All the bowling clubs in Alicante are reasonably near the N332 coast road, which runs from Javea down to Torrevieja. Alternatively, you can use the AP7/E15 motorway,(the Alicante – Ondara stretch is a toll road).

Gardening invite

This is an invitation to come and have a look at another Groups Facebook page.

It is called Hints and tips about gardening in Spain. The pitfalls and the joys. Limited advertising is allowed provided it is on subject.

SPAIN INFO Urb Marina, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante, Spain.

Also try

Paraiso Mar Bowling Club Edf. Paraiso Mar,Levante Beach,Calpe, Lawn Bowling in Spain.

Bowling Paraisomar Calpe Paraiso Mar Bowling Club Edf. Paraiso Mar,Levante Beach,Calpe, Lawn Bowling in Spain.

Calpe vacation resort Much loved NOW COME JOIN US

Welcome Calpe vacation ideal vacation destination on Spain’s Costa Blanca the Mediterranean Sea.

Calpe Vacation or CALP The Penon de Ifach massif keeps watch over Calp’s infinite beaches like a sentinel on the coastline. Total distance from Alicante airport to Calpe is 76km. Total trip with a car usually takes around 50 minutes

Bowling Paraisomar

£££££££££££££££££ Bowling Calpe ££££££££££££££££££

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Optimised April 30 P 97 W 100 H77 Aug 31 Oct 7 414927 Feb 27 Airport March 9 Sept 6 F h 77 Bowling Calpe Bowling Paraisomar 11 February 2024

Spain Info, Urb Marina, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante, Spain.

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