Emerald Isle Bowls Club
La Florida Emerald Isle La Florida Orihuela Costa Torrevieja ALICANTE Telephone : 965 327 138.
Lawn Bowling in Spain.
La Florida Emerald Isle
Emerald Isle Bowls Club.
La Florida Orihuela Costa.
Torrevieja ALICANTE.
President: Graham Roberts Tel. 966 840 192
Captain: Jim Mulloy Tel. 675 228 764
Secretary: Jean Jolliffe Tel. 966798062.
Match Secretary: Reg Fooks Tel. 965 994 834.
Email: regandlois@outlook.com
La Florida Emerald Isle Emerald Isle BC, is located at Orihuela Costa.
The nearest centre of population is the popular resort of Torrevieja, Alicante province.
The green shown here normally contains six rinks, but can be converted to eight. Floodlights allow the green to be used at night.
Floodlit two rinker green, in very attractive surroundings.
La Florida Emerald Isle La Florida View of both greens.
There are 2 pools and a childrens’ play area in the complex, all separated from the bowls zone by a raised veiwing area.
There are 3 bars…
…a restaurant…
…plus a large function room.
Owner of the complex, Seamus Moran.
Emerald Isle Bowls Club La Florida Orihuela Costa Torrevieja ALICANTE.
Green fees: €6 per session with shoe and bowls hire at €1.50 each.
Emerald Isle Bowls Club Orihuela Costa Torrevieja ALICANTE
Treat yourself to a Cookery Holiday in Spain, CLICK IN to see the list of interesting examples ideal for foodie buffs. Come Relax and learn the Spanish way of cooking.
NEXT Club.
Bardois – The Irish Band Singing Wild Rovers, Spain !!
For anybody out there who enjoys Irish Music, this is the Band to see.
We saw them at Emmerald Isle, Torrevieja last year and thoroughly enjoyed the evening sitting outside (this was Summer time) enjoying a meal and a bottle of wine !!
Full List of Wine Tasting Opportunities Take your Pick CLICK HERE
Pick the area that interests you, from in Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Portugal or Slovenia.
You can choose from visiting century old cellars to walking among rows and rows of vineyards and discovering the mysteries of wines made in monasteries, a Wine Tasting Vacation is a walk through history as you’ll taste tradition with every sip you take
Listed is a selection of Privately owned Villas at Playa Flamenca La Florida area for when you come over to Bowl.
, and Indian dishes, a real explosion of aromas, colours, and taste at each bite.
Optimised March 6 w100 p 92
San Francisco De Asis,Urb Marina, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante, Spain.
e-mail: info@spain-info.co.uk
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Emerald Isle Bowls Club La Florida Orihuela Costa Torrevieja ALICANTE.
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