Costa Blanca Technology Help Group
Technology Help Group here on the Costa Blanca Free to join monthly hook up non profit making operation for PC lap tops bloggers and phone users when you need help
If you wish to join this group send an email to: Brian Hoile Technology Help Group
Scope of the Group Smartphone Tablets Laptops PC’s Cloud Storage Printers Smart TV’s Chromecast TV Boxes (IPTV). Amazon Fire Stick Smart Speakers Smart Watches Satellite Navigation Dash Cams CCTV Systems
I also have a column in the Costa Blanca People free weekly paper which is published every Tuesday. I present a class on the second Wednesday of each month from 10.00 to 12.00. On the second Thursday of the month I give the same presentation using Video Conferencing from 1100 to 1230. If you wish to take part in the online meetings let me know and I will add you to the mailing list.
Technology Help Group Meetings
Meetings held at Dillys Bar, Av. Castuera, 3, 03184 El Chaparral, Alicante I charge €2 per person at the physical meetings to cover my travel expenses.
For both physical and online meetings I send members a reminder of the meeting including location and/or connection details plus details of what will be covered. I send copies of any presentations used during each meeting to all group members. I offer email and telephone support. I also offer home visits if required.
If required I can remotely connect to your laptop or computer (with your permission) while in telephone contact and sort out issues or show you how to.
Team Viewer
You will need to download Team Viewer to your computer. I will also need a contact phone number.
This is secure as your password changes each time Team Viewer is used so I have no access without this updated password.
All personal information held for group members is held using GDPR guidelines. I offer home visits at no cost for my time.
I would however require payment for my travel expenses.
The group website has previous session notes and handouts on the various topics covered.
There are also images of the articles published in the Costa Blanca People newspaper. If you have any further questions then please let me know by email or phone.
All Session Notes, Handouts and copies of articles from the Costa Blanca People paper are available on the group website.
Technology Help Group online meetings
If you can’t make the meetings there is an online meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 11 am Spanish time.
If you want to attend the online meetings let me know and I can add you to the mailing list for online meetings.
If there is anything you want me to cover in future sessions then please let me know so I can research and create a document.
If you have friends or acquaintances who need Technology Help then please pass on my contact details.
They would be welcome to turn up at the meetings.
Technology Help Group Previous sessions, handouts and articles from Costa Blanca People can be found on the group website.
Access is given to all group members. I will answer questions by email and may use these questions for future meetings whilst maintaining confidentiality of individual group members.
If you wish to join this group send an email to: Brian Hoile Technology Help Group.
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