Flower Pollen Allergies Sneezing

Flower Pollen Allergies Female plants are nature’s airscrubbers trapping

trapping ambient pollen grains and leaving the surrounding air free of this allergenic form of bio-pollution.

Flower Pollen Allergies from your Garden In Spain

Flower Pollen Allergies Gardening in Spain Pollen and mould spores from many plants can trigger asthma attacks, hay-fever and other allergies.


Allergies Flower Pollen Allergies
Flower Pollen Allergies

The Spanish  Gardening Index Page
A relative of mine is suffering from pollen allergy, and has had quite a hard time this summer.

Many people with asthma and allergies are sharing the same fate, which inspired me to do some research on what we can do to make our gardens “allergy free” or at least “friendlier”.

I found several useful websites and would like to share some of the facts, tips and ideas I learned:

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bees Pollinating Flower Pollen Allergies
Flower Pollen Allergies

Flower Pollen Allergies Spores

Pollen and mould spores from many plants can trigger asthma Flower Pollen Allergies-2attacks, hay-fever and other allergies.

This can make life a misery for many people, especially during Spring and Summer.

The plants that trouble us most are often found in our own gardens.

Planning and planting a low allergen garden can improve quality of life, especially for avid gardeners who have asthma. However, you do not have to limit your garden decorating to stones and concrete.


Flower Pollen Allergies Planning

There are many plants you can use to design your home garden including flowers, shrubs, trees and more that will not contribute to your outdoor allergy symptoms.
Bee Pollen:
Plants reproduce by giving off pollen that is transported by insects or a simple breeze.

A Basic under standing

A basic understanding of plant pollination methods and careful species selection brings gardens within safe reach of many allergy sufferers.
Many plants “mate” by releasing billions of pollen grains into the wind during the spring, summer and fall months, including many grasses, trees, and bushes.

These are the types of plants you want to avoid in your garden. Instead, you should consider plants that rely on insects or birds for crosspollination, which are known to have pollen grains that are much heavier and do not travel through the air quite as easily.

Battle of the Sexes

bees-Pollinating Flower Pollen Allergies

The battle of the sexes:
Modern landscapes are heavily loaded with male-only trees and shrubs, favoured by landscapers.

Flower Pollen Allergies-4because they are litter-free.
Dioecious (separate-sexed) plants are either male or female.

Since male plants do not produce any seed, pods, or fruit (that is the female’s job), males have long been considered to be the most maintenance free landscape plants available.

What has been completely overlooked, however, is the fact that these male plants do indeed produce litter. Male plant “litter” is called pollen! Dioecious male trees and shrubs shed huge amounts of allergenic airborne pollen, which causes allergies.

Dioecious female trees and shrubs, on the other hand, produce flowers, seeds, and fruit, but they shed no pollen. Female plants do not have stamens – the male pollen-bearing sexual parts – and so produce no pollen at all.

Female flowers stand up in the wind and attract, hold, absorb, and ultimately use the male pollen. These Female plants are nature’s airscrubbers, trapping ambient pollen grains and leaving the surrounding air free of this allergenic form of bio-pollution.


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Flower Pollen Allergies-

Sneezing Flower Pollen Allergies
Flower Pollen Allergies

How to make your own garden more asthma friendly

Remove any high-pollen male trees or shrubs and replace them with their pollenfree female counter parts.
Select plants that are pollinated by insects or birds, rather than by the wind. These plants produce larger, stickier, heavier pollen grains that are less likely to be inhaled.

-Use only low pollen or no pollen lawns that do not need to be mowed often. And keep the grass short.

Avoid plants with strong fragrances or odours, as they can cause asthma.
– Eradicate weeds as they are wind pollinating plants.

-For mulch, use inorganic materials such as rock or gravel instead of bark to cut down on toxic mould spores in the garden.

To further eliminate mold spores, encourage wild birds in the garden. Birds eat insects, and insect damage triggers outbreaks of mould.

– If a tree, shrub, vine or any other plant always looks sickly or always attracts bugs, then dig it up get rid of it. Replace it with something easier to grow.


Do not get caught up in having to spray insecticides all the time, as they too can cause asthma and allergies.
– Avoid growing hedges that need to be trimmed quite frequently. Hedges tend to collect dust and give off great loads of pollen.
2 Avoid compost heaps.
– Look at the types of plants you have in the garden. Some can be pruned early before they begin to release pollen (including grasses).

Allergy friendly plants:
The Allergy-Fighting Garden: Stop Asthma and Allergies with Smart Landscaping

Most people tend to think that low allergy gardens are drab, colourless and boring.

Well, they are wrong. By using selected types of perennials and annuals, you can create a very spectacular display. Most large or brightly coloured flowers are pollinated by insects or birds. Here are a few suggestions:

The Why and Where of Plant Allergies and Plants to Choose for Your Low Allergy Garden. We have written this book in response to a request from Her Majesty the Queen at the 2012 RHS Chelsea Flower Show. The paperback book describes the science behind allergies.

The complete OPALS scale can be found in the book: Allergy-Free Gardening by Thomas Leo Ogren, where over 5,000 plants are individually allergy-ranked.

By reducing pollen and mould spores in the garden we can help reduce the symptoms of some people’s allergies and asthma and in turn improve their quality of life.
Whenever the wind blows, low-allergen gardens provide a breath – literally – of fresh, pollen-free air. http://www.allergyfree-gardening.com/opals.html

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Pollen and mould spores from many plants can trigger asthma attacks, hay-fever and other allergies.

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Optimised March 12 P92 W100 July 9 H 61 Flower Pollen Allergies 9 H 92 April 29 H Flower Pollen Allergies 18 F

Spain Info San Francisco De Asis, Urb Marina, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante, Spain. 38n21, 0w29.

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