Some Information of Interest for the Disabled in Spain
Information Disabled Spain The information given below has been compiled in order to assist disabled persons to plan their holidays in Spain. These details have been obtained from various sources, some of which are not official and should therefore be used as reference only.
Where can you find everything you need to know about moving to Spain? You Too Spain has the answers!
Apr 2022 Where can you find everything you need to know about moving to Spain and living in Spain?
In this video you’ll find out that You Too Spain has all of the answers! Skatz will take you through all of the subjects that he and his expert specialist guests have covered in all of the videos and livestreams on You Too Spain’s YouTube channel and website, then show you how to find the answers you need.
Information of Interest for the Disabled in Spain
The information given below has been compiled in order to assist disabled persons to plan their holidays in Spain. These details have been obtained from various sources, some of which are not official and should therefore be used as reference only.
Rio Rosas, 54
28003 Madrid.
Tel. (0034 91) 535 0619
Fax (0034 91) 535 0286
CRUZ ROJA ESPAÑOLA (Spanish Red Cross)
Doctor Federico Rubio y Galí, 3
28003 Madrid.
Tel. (0034 91) 533 4531
Fax. (0034 91) 553 2579
ECOM (Federation of Spanish private organisations for the disabled)
Gran Vía de las Cortes Catalanas, 562 principal, 2a
08011 Barcelona
Tel (0034 93) 451 5550
Fax.(0034 93) 451 6904
Ginzo de Limia, 58
28029 Madrid
Tel (0034 91)347 8888
Fax.(0034 91) 347 8653
This government department for the disabled has delegations in each province.
Paseo del Prado, 24
28014 Madrid
Tel. (0034 91) 589 4600
Fax.(0034 91) 429 3118
Is the Spanish Association for the blind. Its associated organisation Fundación ONCE has an information service for prospective travellers whatever their disability.- Sebastián Herrera 15-5o, 28005 Madrid. Tel. (0034 91) 506 8888.Fax (034 91) 539 3487
Glorieta Marques Vadillo, 8
Tel. (0034 91) 560 9999
Fax: (0034 91) 460 3989
Offer a service of modification of motor vehicles.
CRUZ ROJA ESPANOLA: at above address, will assist foreigners with travel arrangements.
FEDERACION DEPORTIVA DE MINUSVALIDOS FISICOS (Sports Federation for the disabled). Tel. 0034 91 547 1718
HOLIDAY CARE SERVICE: 27th Floor, sunley House, 4 Bedford Park, Croydon CR0 2AP. Tel. 08451249971.; e-mail: Provide advice for the disabled on suitable accommodation, transport, equipment hire, Specialist services, tour operators and contacts.
RADAR (The Royal Association for disability and Rehabilitation): 12 City Forum. 250 City Road. London EC1V 8AF Tel: 020 7250 3222.Fax: 020 7250 0212.
The local tourist offices can assist with details on facilities and services for the disabled in their locality.
Information Disabled Spain
Establishments suitable for the disabled are marked as such in the regional accommodation leaflets supplied by this Office on request (indication of the required region must be stated when this information is requested). Some of the Spanish spas, although not specifically designed for the disabled, are quite well suited. These are: Alange (Badajoz); Alhama, Alicun de las Torres & Lanjarón (Granada); Archena & Fortuna (Murcia); Arnedillo (Logroño); Blancafort, Termas Victoria & Broquetas (Barcelona); Prats & Vichy Catalán (Gerona); Caldes de Bohí (Lérida); Caldas de Besaya Santander); Sicilia & Termas Pallarés (Zaragoza); Panticosa
(Huesca); Termas de Cuntís & La Toja(Pontevedra); Lugo (Lugo). Further details on these establishments may be found in the accommodation leaflet of the relevant region. For specific requirements the hotel should be contacted directly.
THE NATIONAL THERMAL SPAS ASSOCIATION (Martín de los Heros 23, 4o. Dcha, 28008 Madrid. Tel. 0034 91 542 95 75, Fax. 542 9824) may be contacted for further information on the listed spas.
CONFORTEL HOTELS.- chain of 11 hotels specially adapted for the disabled. (Tel. 0034 91) 3839494; Fax 766 4217. E-mail: ;
The AETPD “Guia de Hoteles Accesibles para Viajeros en Sillas de Ruedas” include information on accessible hotels. Alcornoque 1, 41009 Sevilla. E-mail: ;
THE KURHOTEL MARISOL APARTMENTS is a complex built for the disabled: Los Cristianos, Tenerife. Tel. (0034 922) 750289. Fax. (0034 922) 750283
Whilst we are unaware of any company offering specially adapted cars, we understand that HERTZ (Tel. 020 8679 1799) has automatic cars in some areas of Spain which may be used by disabled persons. In several towns and summer resorts there is a taxi service (Eurotaxi) with vehicles suitable for the wheelchair bound. Details should be requested from the provincial delegations of the Spanish Red Cross.
Emilio Hurtado, 14, La Loma de San Julian, 29004 Malaga Tel. (0034 95) 223 5559.
The Provincial Delegations of the Spanish Red Cross may also be able to assist.
Package Holidays:
BRITTANY FERRIES: Milbay Docks, Plymouth PL1 3EW. Tel. 0990 360 360. Operating a ferry service, mini-cruises and other holiday arrangements to Spain, have some cabins specially modified for the disabled in their ship to Santander.
Skiing holidays
BAQUEIRA BERET:This resort in the Spanish Pyrenees, in Lerida Province, offers facilities for the disabled. Further details from their central office at Edificio Chasir, Diagonal 431 bis 7, Barcelona.
OXITUR, Padre José de Sosa 7, 35001 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Tel. (0034 928) 130000; Fax.(0034 928) 131072. For Oxygen supplies throughout Las Palmas Province (Gran Canaria, Lanzarote)
AIRLIQUIDE. Paseo de la Castellana 35, 5º planta 28046- MADRID. Tel.: 0034915029300 Fax: 0034914356952. They can arrange supplies throughout Spain.
BRITISH HIRE SERVICE,Benidorm Tel (0034) 96 586-6562 or (0034) 629-985801.
. e-mail: Wheelchairs, mobility scooters and bathroom and walking aids.
BRITISH WHEELCHAIR CENTRE,Lluchmajor. Mallorca. Tel & Fax.(0034971) 660720. . Mobility Scooters and bathing aids.
INDEPENDENT LIVING SPAIN,Mijas Costa. Tel. (0034 95) 2493419. Fax 2599118.
LUX MUNDI, Fuengirola. Tel. (0034 95) 247 4840
MOBILITY ABROAD, Benalmadena (0034) 952 447764 UK Office 01375 377246. Mobility Scooters, Wheelchairs etc for hire on the Costa del Sol.
ORTOPEDIA HOSPITALARIA LERO: Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife. Tel. (0034 922) 750289 Fax. (0034 922) 750283.
THE KURHOTEL MARISOL APARTMENTS. Los Cristianos, Tenerife. Tel. (0034 922) 750289. Fax.750283. They hire all kind of aids for the disabled. Information Disabled Spain
The above information has been compiled with the utmost care, however the Spanish Tourist Office
may not accept responsibility for errors, changes or omissions. Last update 5/04
Optimised Sept 19
Spain Info
San Fransisco de Asis, La Marina, Alicante
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