Furniture Collection

La Marina useful Council Numbers the updated Now list

The list of La Marina Useful Numbers UNWANTED ITEMS

La Marina useful Council Numbers and information for residents and absentee owners or possible holidaymakers here at La Marina in San Fulgencio on the Costa Blanca.


La Marina furniture collection
🚚Request the collection of household items 🪑💺🛏️ at home in #SanFulgencio . Notify the Town Hall of its location via whatsapp at 📲 693927778, or via the app ‘San Fulgencio+ limpio’.

You can also request the service through 🔗



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Garden Waste La Marina.
Garden Waste
The Punto Limpio service in La Marina #SanFulgencio is the place to take your garden pruning waste: leaving it on the street is not a very nice image of the municipality, and it also means heavy fines.
Go to this point located in Extremadura street to leave them. It is open from Monday to Saturday, from 8:00am to 2:00pm. Help us to keep the town clean!
Likewise, you can also give notice through the mobile app ‘San Fulgencio + limpio’, or on the web:

La Marina council Numbers

New UPDATED Info 21st November 2021

La Marina useful council Numbers📍 San Fulgencio’s service for the pick up old furniture and large items takes care of any item you need to dispose of. Put them near the rubbish bin, and don’t forget to call or send a Whatsapp message to the number La Marina useful council Numbers📞693 927 778 to notify its location. You can also notify it using the app La Marina useful council Numbers📲 “San Fulgencio + Limpio” or the website La Marina useful council Numbers🔗


*** Our local Councillor Samantha Hull Gallon has put together the following list of useful contacts plus some of the most asked for phone numbers.

1) Si necesitas depositar enseres y muebles viejos, recuerda que antes de hacerlo debes llamar al servicio de recogida municipal, a través de Whatsapp o llamando por teléfono al 693927778.

If you need to deposit any large items or old furniture, remember that before doing so you must call the municipal collection service, via Whatsapp or by phone to 693927778.

La Marina Useful Numbers

2) Para realizar cualquier trámite en el Ayuntamiento de San Fulgencio, es necesario solicitar cita previa antes de acudir.Puedes hacerlo: Online, a través de la Sede Electrónica, clicando en el apartado “Cita Previa”:

2 Por teléfono, llamando a las oficinas del casco urbano o de la urbanización.

If you have any business to attend at San Fulgencio Town Council, it is necessary to book an appointment in advance before attending.

You can do it:

Online, through the Sede Electrónica, clicking in the “Cita Previa” (“Appointments”) section:

2 Calling the offices in the town centre or the urbanisation.

3) El servicio de información a través de Whatsapp del Ayuntamiento de San Fulgencio te permite resolver tus dudas a través de un mensaje.Escribe al 610 630 269 y recibirás tu respuesta lo antes posible.

The San Fulgencio information service through Whatsapp allows you to resolve your doubts from your phone.Write a message to 610 630 269 and your question will be answered as quickly as possible.

4) SAN FULGENCIO + LIMPIOYa está disponible la aplicación del Ayuntamiento de San Fulgencio para poder reportar incidencias en el servicio de limpieza de viales y recogida de residuos.

The application of the San Fulgencio City Council to report incidents in the street cleaning and waste collection service is available at the following links.App para dispositivos

Android:…Versión web:


San Fulgencio’s La Marina useful council Numbers📍 Punto Limpio is the place in which to deposit the pruning waste La Marina useful council Numbers🍁La Marina useful council Numbers🍃La Marina useful council Numbers🍂 from your garden.La Marina useful council Numbers➡️ It is located in Extremadura St., and opening times are La Marina useful council Numbers🗓️ MONDAY to SATURDAY, from La Marina useful council Numbers🕒8:00 am to 2.00 pm. Thanks for your help!


La Marina Useful Numbers

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La Marina useful council Numbers

Spain Info

Optimised July 21 P93 W 83 H July 21 77 March 18 June 24 2024

Urb Marina, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante, Spain

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