Computer Info

Computer Info those now living visiting plus club info🖥

Local La Marina Computer Info

Computer Info in general for residents and visitors to La Marina San Fulgencio computer club and computer help shops or local digital web site builders✔️💻

Computer Info


Computer Help in your home

Jonathon is available If you want a computer/phone fixed (693691102), you can contact him and arrange and he will be glad to help you.

He offers: Phone and Computer repair services, personalized lessons for smartphones, tablets and computers and computer info

Teléfono: 693691102


Technology Help Group now rather rare Free local help

Computer Help Group

Help Group here on the Costa Blanca Free to join monthly hook up non profit making operation for PC lap tops bloggers and phone users, when you need help. If you wish to join this group send an email to: Brian Hoile Technology Help Group.
Or more general info at  Will help you keep up with modern ideas. Just join it is FREE and you could possible find that answer to that question that you still have not solved.


 There’s this guy on Facebook from the recovery team who disables and tracks stolen or lost phones, JAX GRAY GEEKS. Message him on facebook

La Marina Computer Club.

Computer Cub

Club has now suspended meetings until 10th September ( summer break)

For those not aware the Local Computer Club has now moved up from San Fulgencio to La Marina Urbanisation.

La Marina  Internet & Computer Help Club

Every Tuesday from 10.30am excepting Fiesta days, here at the La Marina Social Centre.

We are here to offer help, if we can, with Laptops, Tablets, Android and I Phones, Firesticks, etc


WhatsApp 0034 awaiting new number

Computer Info

It is now based at the Community Centre, just behind the Doctors Surgery and Info Centre.

Computer Info
Community Centre La Marina on Tuesdays

Google Map

Come and gain a little extra computer info at the club.
Computer Club is back up and running, we have space for more new members, we do lessons for Computers, Tablets, Smartphones etc etc. It is now based at the community centre just behind the Doctors surgery. It now meets there every Tuesday morning at 10.30, all are welcome. Pop along and check us out and gain a piece of Computer Info.

All are welcome come gain your computer info.

The aim of the Club is to assist the Members to improve their abilities, making every day tasks easier by using home computers and smart phones.
We do this by talks and group sessions, exchanging information.
A wide range of computer info topics are covered from basic use of your device through to using the many uses available on the internet come gain a peace of computer info.
The Club welcomes local residence and non-residence alike

There is also a local La Marina computer info computer club facebook page

Ecomputer Urbanizacion La Marina

Computer Info
Computer info

Address: C. Pedro María Unanue, 1, La Marina Urb 03177 San Fulgencio, Alicante
Hours: Monday Wednesday Friday Open 10.30 – 15.00⋅

Tuesday and Thursday 10.30 15.00 and 17.00 to 19.00

Saturday opens 11.00am to 15.00
Computer Info Phone: 966 79 67 37

Managed and owned by Andrew, who speaks perfect English. His computer info knowledge is far reaching.

Computer info store, sales laptops, printers, smartphones, ink cartridges. Credit for mobile. Workshop computer repairs and general advice and help.

Very handy shop if you need to have a boarding pass printed or anything else printed, only about 20 cents a sheet.

Situated in the road (that you can drive down) by the side of Dialprix, also close to National Health doctor’s surgery.

Latitude: 38.13367
Longitude: -0.68862



Cards and More

San Fulgencio, Urb. Marina-Comercial, 45, 03177 San Fulgencio, Alicante, Spain
La Marina (Elche), Comunidad Valenciana
Teléfono: 966 79 09 54

Computer Info
Cards and More Jason

Jason he’s the go to guy for mobile phones, phone credit and SIM Cards…. Will even help set up and install your phone.

Computer info La Marina

Do join your local computer club where you will pick up computer info that can prove important.

Spot the Difference? is not the same as is not the same as .com (the first one is correct, the second one is from hackers)

The a in the later url is a cyrillic alphabet. An average internet user can easily fall for this. Be careful for every mail requiring you to click on a ink.
Please Stay Alert


La Marina Computer Club Re Opens 10th Sept


Internet knowledge is now a very guarded complex subject

Being Successful on the Internet

New Clients

Internet knowledge WE WILL NOT RING YOU it is up to you to realise that you could do with a boost and ring us yourself 0034 600 601 771 find the answers

Key Features:

  • Responsive design ensuring compatibility across all devices.
    • SEO optimized to enhance visibility on all search engines.
    • User-friendly interface with easy navigation.
    • Integration of social media links
      Just ring and ask 34 600 601 771💘


Computer Info

Horse Riding Holidays in Province of Almeria

HORSE Back Riding

A selection of Horse Riding Holidays in the Almeria Area TAKE YOUR PICK


A selection of Online Yoga and Meditation courses.



Solar systems

Sola lighting
Solar Systems


💋Hope you found some of the info interesting, 💖Hoping To help me progress these kind of pages and keep collecting more content,
it can be made 💕 Thanks 💖

Local Solar rooftop Spain Costa Blanca

Solar rooftop save energy and money observations from a questionnaire placed on a group placed in La Marina on the Costa Blanca

From a posting on facebooks La Marina info group

Solar Panels in Spain

As well as Computer Info Spain info also covers Bowls Clubs Golf Go Karting fishing Caves and other sports here in the Mediterranean.
Spain info also lists the Local Hot Water Spas many of them dating back to Roman times.

Equally the site as well as computer info la marina covers local towns with local accommodation, plus Spain info also covers info local days out in Spain on the Mediterranean. Furthermore we offer information on cooking Mediterranean style.

Computer Info

Optimised April 14 computer info 22 P 93 H 79

External link

Spain Info

Optimised April 14 H 93 computer info 22 July 26 F Oct 21 Dec 17 H 77/79 P 93 FK 100 F

Urb Marina, San Fulgencia, 03177, Alicante, Spain.

Site Disclaimer

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to provide accurate information, no liability will be accepted for misinterpretation, misrepresentation, errors or omissions - the information provided by our Websites is for use as a guide only and is issued in good faith as information..
All photographs images and FILM material is subject to the understanding that as they are in the public domain they can be used and shared as seen to be appropriate and unless showing a sign that they are covered by copyright law. This also covers Social media operations.

