Garden Centre Flamingo

Garden Centres near me now operating Local to la marina🏡

Locally established Garden Centres

Garden centres that are in a fairly close proximity of La Marina San Fulgencio. Your local selection some do open on Sundays👩‍🌾

Garden Centre near me

Viveros y Plantas Víctor S.L en La Marina del Pinet

Garden centres
Garden Centre near me
Garden Centre near me

Situated in the La Marina Village (Elche) area. On the opposite side of the road from International Camping Complex . It is just a little bit further up the road, on the same side as Hotel Montemar  in the village.

Vivero de Plantas – Dirección: Alicante-cartagena Km. 0076,0, (03203) Marina (La), Alicante – Teléfono: 📞965419551, 9654198…ver teléfono


Garden centres
Garden Centre near me

Viveros La Torre S.C.P.

965 72 79 65

Facebook page Garden Centre near me



El Oasis Garden Centre San Fulgencio

Garden centres
Garden Centre near me
  • 656 98 74 97
  • 656 98 74 50
  • Offering a Professional and personalized treatment. Wide variety of plants and garden accessories. Unbeatable quality and price.
  • Highly recommended.
  • Situated just off La Marina Urbanisation. On the CV 860 San Fulgencio to Elche Road. There is a large car park at the side of the nursery garden centre. This Garden Centre near me Open 6 days a week closed Sundays


Christian’s Garden Centre

Garden Centre near me

CV895 – Lemon tree road
Address Christian Garden Centre. C/La Calera Pda Moncayo 40,
03140,Guardamar Del Segura, Alicante
Telephone number 966 727 264
Jardineria Christian’s Garden Centre is quite easy to find as it’s on the CV895 Lemon Tree road, going towards Guardamar on the left hand side, after the Manolos restaurant speed humps. Christians is the second garden centre along there on the left (not the first one). It is a very large garden centre with a good range of garden plants and ornaments.
It is clearly sign-posted on the CV895 Lemon tree road


Garden centres

Mayayo Garden Centre

Garden centres
Garden Centre near me

Google Map

Address: Ctra N-332 Alicante-Cartagena, Km. 74, 03177 Alicante
Hours: 7 days a week. On Sundays they are open in the morning from 9.30 but close in the afternoon.
Then weekdays this Garden Centre near me open at 9AM Mon onwards
Phone: 966 72 59 19

Situated Opposite Go Karts San Fulgencio


Viveros la Dama

Garden centres
Garden Centre near me

Address: Ptda. La Hoya, Pol. 2 n.54 / Ctra. Elche – La Marina, Km 3,800, 03294 Elche (Google Maps)

Phone: +34 965 45 67 01

Garden Centre near me Timetable:
Monday to Saturday from 10am to 2pm and 4pm to 7pm
Sunday from 10am to 2pm 

 On the CV-853 in the direction of Elche there is a beautiful and huge nursery. We are happy that we have found this place and spend about 20 minutes in this garden and deco market. For over 30 years, Viveros la Dama has been home to an extensive plant world in a garden center of over 10,000 square meters. The staff is happy to help with any questions,


Garden centres

Valentin Garden Center

Garden Centre near me

Avenida del Mar, S/N 03187 Los Montesinos Alicante Télefono – 629 665 917 Correo-e

Garden Centre near me Garden centre Valentín is a family run business with more than 25 years of experience

In the centre you will find many types of trees, shrubs, plants, garden ornaments and accessories.

New plants are delivered daily. Some are native to Spain and some are imported from other countries. This ensures that clients have a varied choice of plants for every season.

Garden centre Valentín employs a team of experts who are available to visit clients’ own gardens to deal with pruning, garden clearance, landscaping and design. Answering queries and problem solving is all part of the service.



Garden Centre near me

Address: 18 CV-945, 03187 Los Montesinos, Alicante Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 7PM Phone966 72 01 72 ProvinceAlicante



Garden centres


The Markets here in Spain can be a good source for plants, listed below are the days they operate on.

Local Area Indian Restaurants near La Marina

Local Area Indian restaurants that are around and within a 30 minute drive of La Marina San Fulgencio here on the southerly end of the Costa Blanca


Garden centres near me

Optimised Feb 20 MARCH 12 Aug 2 F Jan 9 h 77 p 95 Garden Centre near me 5th Nov 2024

Spain info Urb Marina, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante, Spain. 38n21, 0w29.

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