Valdeon blue cheese

Leon Valdeon Blue matured now three months in natural caves

Leon Valdeon Blue Cheese Leon from Castilla y Leon Spain

Leon Valdeon Blue Cheese Leon Valdeon is one of the best known Spanish blue cheeses, from Leon, high in the Picos de Europa mountains in Castilla y Leon Cheesy recipe books for fans of such.

Valdeon Blue Cheese from Leon

This is a very special Cheese. Often passed off as another famous Spanish blue, Cabrales Valdeon the cousin of the powerful blue Cabrales.a bold and spicy blue made from seasonally blended milk of goats and cows that graze the Picos de Europa Mountains in Castilla y Leon.

It is often prefered  for its dense veining and balance of salt and spice, compared to the often inconsistent and over-the-top rusticity of Cabrales.

Valdeon makes a pretty package with its powdery white rind peeking out behind a protective layer of sycamore or oak leaves. It’s a hearty blue that loves fresh fruit and strong red wine or sherry.

Valdeon Picos De Europa blue cheese from Spain 450g

Leon Valdeon Blue

Valdeon Picos De Europa blue cheese from Spain 2.4kg

  • Picos de Europa Blue cheese
  • Made from unpasteurised goat, cow and ewe’s milks and matured in natural caves
  • Wrapped in maple leaves
  • A bit like a Roquefort but less salty
  • Buy direct from UK based company
  • Valdeon Picos De Europa blue cheese from Spain 450g
    • Picos de Europa Blue cheese
    • Made from unpasteurised goat, cow and ewe’s milks and matured in natural caves
    • Wrapped in maple leaves
    • A bit like a Roquefort but less salty
    • Buy direct from UK based company Queso de Valdeon (Queisu de Valdion, in Leonese language) is a Spanish blue cheese from Leon.
    • The cheese is made in Posada de Valdeon, in the northeast of the province of Leon, and is wrapped in sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), or chestnut leaves before being sent to market.
    • The cheese has a very intense blue flavor, but is not as yellowed or as biting as its cousin Cabrales


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