Ideal Lawn Irrigation in Spain
lawn irrigation Irrigation systems for lawns are great. They will water your lawn while you are away from your home and for larger lawns are a really useful time saver.

Lawn Irrigation
by Greengrass
What are lawn Irrigation Systems
Irrigation systems for lawns are great. They will
water your lawn while you are away from your home
and for larger lawns are a really useful time saver.
But they are not foolproof.
Lawn Irrigation systems fall into two main types.
Type 1 Lawn Irrigation System
is the drip irrigation system, favoured by DIY enthusiasts and people on low budgets. They are great, cheap to assemble and install and can be got working in an afternoon.
Type 2 Lawn Irrigation System
The second type is Spay irrigation, where the water is pumped through pipes underground to water jets, which spray the water over the lawn.
The first system of lawn Irrigation is the cheapest and the second lawn system is the most expensive but the more effective.
Lawn Irrigation Systems Drawbacks
Both lawn systems have inherent drawbacks.
The drip system, although cheap to install and not dependent on water pressure, is very inefficient and wasteful of water.
This is because most of the water dripped onto the surface of the soil, actually evaporates before it reaches the roots of the plants and it is not very practical for lawns.
The lawn Spray irrigation system is also wasteful because a high percentage of the
water evaporates as it is traveling through the air. Lawn Spray systems are also susceptible to changes in water pressure and blocked or silted up nozzles need regular maintenance.
So to summarise at this point about Lawn Irrigation Systems….
You are contemplating watering your lawn or flower border by delivering water to the surface of the soil and expecting what does not evaporate to percolate down to the roots.
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This is extremely wasteful of water. Why not deliver the water directly to the roots of the plants?
Underground Lawn Irrigation System
There is another solution An Underground Lawn Irrigation System.
Once you have irrigated the lawn it will soon be ready for cutting, to ensure you get neat edges use a suitable strimmer.
Now available The “Neptune Underground Irrigation System“, you have none of the drawbacks of conventional irrigation systems. But you do have many other advantages.
RootsNo water wastage due to evaporation.
Uses 60% less water.
No spray jets to get blocked.
Not dependant on water pressure.
Plus many other advantages over conventional irrigation systems.
So start saving water and money…
If we can help further contact us on :- 676 863 778 or see our web page
on the Neptune System on
search Google for “Neptune Underground Irrigation”.
(working together for saving you water and a greener lawn.)
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Lawn Irrigation
Optimised March 24 P90 W 100 July 10 H 67 Lawn Irrigation 15 H93 Oct 29 FK 100 F P93
Spain Info.
Urb Marina, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante, Spain.
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