Hidden parts of Tenerife
Hidden parts. Most people spend their time in Tenerife relaxing on the beech and soaking up the Sun. But Tenerife also has several micro climates from dry deserts to thick lush green forests, so why not come with us and take a day to discover Tenerife.
Discover Tenerife
Most people spend their time in Tenerife relaxing on the beech and soaking up the Sun, but what you probably don’t know is that Tenerife offers some of the most spectacular views and stunning scenery you will find anywhere, Tenerife also has several micro climates, from dry deserts to thick lush green forests, so why come with us and take a day to discover Tenerife.
Do you want to just lie on the beech all day, everyday, doing nothing…
…take a day out and lets do something a more exciting.
…like climb to the top of an extinct Volcano, and have a walk around the rim. Hidden parts
perhaps take a walk in a harsh, hot dry desert.
what about a stroll through lush green enchanted forest. Hidden parts
even take a moon walk through a strange lunar landscape.
Come with us and discover Tenerife’s hidden adventures…
Tenerife Guided Walks and Hikes
Don’t just come to Tenerife, …Discover it.
Tenerife has an extensive network of trails & footpaths, where one can discover a wide range of diverse landscapes embracing Laurel and Canarian Pine forests, rugged mountains and extinct volcanoes, volcanic lava flows, moonlike deserts, and rock sculptures and magnificent coastal scenery with towering cliffs. Hidden parts
Discover Tenerife All 912 holiday properties on Tenerife
For the FULL list of accommodation on Tenerife
Tenerife Ramblers Guided Walks
Hidden Parts
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