French Cheese

French Cheese NOW how to find genuine products🧀

Ideal present French Cheese

French cheese is produced in wide-ranging flavours, textures, and forms, which are found across France. Try some or send a sample to friends as a present📌

Bleu d’Auvergne has a strong and pungent taste, but to a lesser extent than other blue cheeses From the south-central France. It is made from cow’s milk, and is one of the cheeses granted the Appellation d’origin from the Goverment

French Cheese oooooooooooo French Cheese

Say cheese: The secrets of real French ‘fromage’

This week, we’re looking at one of France’s greatest achievements: cheese!

The country boasts more than 1,200 types of cheese and they are at the centre of a huge industry.

But as major corporations seek to play fast and loose with the rules surrounding production, how can consumers be sure they are getting the real deal?

We give you some advice. Finally, we report on a solution for those whose dietary choices mean traditional cheese is off the menu: vegan cheese!

French Cheese oooooooooooo French Cheese

Coeur de Lion – Camembert – French Cheese – 250g

Brand Coeur de Lion Item weight 0.25 Kilograms
Diet type Vegetarian Package weight 0.27 Kilograms
About this item
Guaranteed consumption time: 7 days minimum
Ingredients: pasteurized cow’s milk, salt, lactic ferments. Presure of animal origin.


French cheese
Coeur de Lion French Cheese

Suitable for vegetarians
Allergens: Milk
Made at the cheese factory in Ducey, Normandy, with milk collected in Normandy, the Coeur de Lion camembert is the fruit of a quality terroir and the know-how of our cheese masters.

French Cheese oooooooooooo French Cheese

Fromages: A French Master’s Guide to the Cheeses of France Hardcover 

There are many books about cheese, but this one features the professional knowledge and passion of a French master fromager who shares his expertise on making sense of the many cheese varieties crumbly, creamy, buttery, mouldy for which France is famous.

French Cheese oooooooooooo French Cheese

Unpasteurised Bleu d’Auvergne – Raw Milk French Blue Cheese

• I managed to get my hands on a piece of unpasteurised Bleu d’Auvergne, an incredible French blue cheese from south-central Auvergne region.

I love my blue cheese, but have I bitten off more than I can chew?

The Auvergne Cheese Route

There was a rather splendid video but they have now taken it down. Have left the Verbiage as it is informative.

Annie Sargent brings you a conversation with Elyse Rivin about the Route des Fromages AOP d’Auvergne.

The word Auvergne designates an old French province around its capital Clermont-Ferrand.

Today it is part of the Auvergne-RhĂ´ne-Alpes region and it is just a little west of Lyon and the Alps.

This episode features our frequent and very popular guest Elyse Rivin. If you enjoy her episodes, please consider supporting her on Patreon.

The Auvergne region produces a lot of wonderful cheeses and they are going to be the stars of the show: Bleu d’Auvergne, Cantal, Fourme d’Ambert, Saint-Nectaire, and Salers.

Elyse tells us about the small towns that produce those cheeses and what you might see there when you visit.

Another excellent show that takes us off the beaten track in France! The 4 departments that we’ll be talking about are the Cantal, the Puy-de-DĂ´me, Haute-Loire, Allier.

The Auvergne Cheese Route There are many cheeses produced in the Auvergne area, but these are the 5 that have an AOP designation.

This stands for Appellation d’Origine ProtĂ©gĂ©e and it’s a European label that certifies that this particular product is produced in a specific geographical area.

When you drive around the Auvergne you will see road signs that indicate the Route des Fromages.

Here are the Auvergne cheese route AOP cheeses we discuss in this episode, and they are all made of cow milk:

French Cheese oooooooooooo French Cheese

French Cheese oooooooooooo French Cheese


French Cheese

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