
Gardening Spain tips tricks Mediterranean genuine need to know

Index of Gardening in Espana

Gardening Spain Index of Gardening here from top Horticulturist Marc Vijverberg resident here in Espania,

Arctotis Stoechadifolia African Daisy very attractive worth a try

Lovely Arctotis stoechadifolia African Daisy (Arctotis) these daisies are flowers that will grow in most climates and come back year after year plants can quickly cover an entire bed


Plant Food the cheaper Free way

Making Plant food Here are a few videos with some rather helpful tips on making your own fertiliser for your own use on indoor and outdoor plants with home made fertiliser


These Gerbera Daises are real showy attention seekers

Gerbera daises do not like to be sitting in water and require a good drainage system.

Gerbera Daisy Spain

Water in the morning so the soil can dry throughout the day.

Orange Trees

Orange Tree in a Pot

How to grow Orange Trees from pips or grafting methods.  Just watch the videos.

How To Grow Sweet Potatoes.

gardening Sweet-Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest and easiest vegetables you can grow.

No Dig Gardens Gardening  Spain

gardening no dig garden

Your No dig garden

No dig gardens are just the same as other gardens – just easier to build and maintain. Basically it is gardening inside a big, sandbox-type frame of wood or other permanent material.

Companion Planting

gardening companian gardening mixed

Companion planting can play a significant role in assisting with pest control. It is a methodology that has more to do with observation than science, but it does seem to work.

Potatoes in Pots on the Balcony or in your Spanish Garden

gardening Potatoes in white buckets

Potatoes inside pots Growing Potatoes in Buckets or any kind of container you have around, is very easy and virtually maintenance free In return you will have lovely fresh new potatoes.


Strawberries in Spain

gardening strawberry-plant

Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and have, gram for gram, more of it than a citrus fruit. One good handful delivers the daily recommended allowance as well as a long list of important minerals, fibre, and also provides 20% of our folic acid requirements. All that at about only 50 calories per serving of a generous handful


Make your own Rain Water Barrels for Irrigation in Spain

gardening Step 3 Barrel

Rain Water Barrels There are many different sized and shaped tanks available on the market, but they are usually quite expensive. You can easily make your own, low cost, rain barrel of a large garbage can, plastic barrel, wood barrel or similar. Basically anything that will hold water


Foilage Plants in Spanish Gardens

gardening Cordyline-fruticosa

Foliage plants Let us have a look at some foliage plants for all year colour suitable for your garden in Spain.


Cannas in Spain 

gardening Cannas large

Cannas look fantastic in masses and also grow well in pots.

A large flower pot full of cannas really brightens up a sunny patio or porch PLUS so easy to grow.

Tulips in Spain

gardening bulb-Tulips

Although tulips are associated with Holland, they originate from southern Europe to central Asia.

After being described in a letter by the Dutch ambassador in Turkey in the 16th century, who was also a great floral enthusiast, tulips were brought to Europe.

Grow the juiciest melons ever

And enjoy sweet, flavourful watermelons, muskmelons, and honeydew this summer!

gardening spanish-melons

There are few things better on a hot summer day than sitting down to juicy, home-grown melons.

The beautiful, flowering Jacaranda trees
Spanish Trees

gardening jacaranda tree

The blue jacaranda tree is one of the most popular trees that people love to grow because the delicate fern-like leaves and the purple flowers make them look like trees straight out of a fairytale.


Echinacea in your Spanish Garden

echinacea deep red

Echinacea has been used as a healing herb for many centuries.

It was the main medicinal herb used by Native Americans for more purposes than any other plant.

The major use of echinacea nowadays is to treat colds and flu.

Easy Growing Bell Peppers in Spain

gardening bell-peppers-Green, yellow, red peppers, 1

Bell peppers or sweet pepper is a cultivar group of the species Capsicum annuum (chili pepper).

The Ginkgo Tree

gardening Ginkgo biloba Autumn

Spanish Trees Gardening

Ginkgo biloba tree is another plant that is well known by its botanic name because of the modern day “smart pill” (said to improve concentration and short and long term memory) made of the Ginkgo leaves.

Firespike Odontonema strictum

gardening firespike

Firespike, Odontonema strictum, is also known as Cardinal Guard or Scarlet Flame.

This native of Mexico and Central America likes to show off its strikingly beautiful crimson flowers and lush, shiny foliage and is very easy to grow.

Figs in a Spanish Garden

gardening Fig view on Tree

Gardening  Spain Trees.
Fruit Trees in Spain.

Two crops of figs are potentially produced each year.

The first, called the breba crop, develops in the spring on last year’s growth. In contrast, the main fig crop develops on the new growth and ripens in the late summer or Autumn.

Tropical water Lilies 

gardening water-lillies-light-blue

Water lilies are beautiful and with a pond, a large pot and a little bit of care, they can bring some real glamour to any tropical garden.

Garlic growing in Spain

gardening Garlic bulbs hanging

Garlic, of course, best known as a cooking ingredient used for its wonderful taste.

It would actually be better to say “tastes” plural since it can take on a completely different taste depending on how it is cooked – everything from a subtle sweet flavor to a strong almost overpowering one.

Toad Lillies Tricytrtis

gardening tricyrtis 8

Gardening  Spain

Toad lilies also make great cut flowers so you can have orchid like flowers in floral arrangements which lends a bit of the exotic to your other more ordinary cut flowers.



gardening acidanthera 1

is a summer flower so fragrant, exotic-looking and lovely that it defies logic.

No rare pearl of great price, this summer bloomer is affordable, readily available and practically idiot-proof to grow.

Easy Growing Pineapples in Spain 

gardening Animated Pineapple

How to grow your own pineapples Pineapples can be grown very easily from the top of a pineapple that have been bought and eaten All varieties can be propagated in the same way.

Keep honey bees from disappearing –

gardening bees-Pollinating bee, 5

create a bee-friendly garden using plants bees love.

Keep honey bees from disappearing – create a bee-friendly garden using plants they love, we should make sure we plant bee-friendly gardens.

Gardening Solarize your soil.

gardening soil solarization STEP 3

Soil solarization

One of the best nonchemical ways to get rid of weeds, and some diseases and pests, is to solarize your soil.

Rose Puning in Spain

gardening roses llustration

Rose Pruning

Winter time is the correct

time to prune those roses in your garden.

African Violets

gardening african-violets-2

Gardening  Spain.

African violets are one of the easiest indoor plants to grow once you are aware of a couple of their very simple requirements.

Pruning Apple Trees In Spain

gardening apple-pruning-Espalier

Gardening  Spain.Fruit Trees in Spain

Apple trees are great because they are so versatile. They offer several varieties, shapes and sizes allowing us to use them in just about any garden situation, even if we only have a small patio area.


Lilly of The Valley

gardening lilly-of-the-valley

Gardening  Spain.

Lily-of-the-Valley  Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) is a popular garden plant, grown for its scented flowers.

How to Build a Rockery

gardening rockery-1

Spanish Gardening

Building a rockery is not difficult and they are great features for the garden, with a huge choice of rock types and sizes.

The plants that are normally planted – and grow well – in rockeries, are those which are happy in dry areas; Succulents, cacti, grasses, bulbs, ground covers, flowering plants, etc.

Small or Large Spanish Ponds

gardening pond-2

Gardening  Spain.

Spanish ponds Water gardens or garden ponds are a decorative and entertaining addition to your garden.

Garden Lighting in Spain

gardening Meercat Lantern

Spanish Gardening

Night lighting may come from fire (eg. a BBQ,bonfire or lamp), moonlight, solar or electric lights. Often it comes from a combination of sources. Garden Lighting Gardening in Spain.

Bulb Maintenance

gardening bulb-Gladiolus

Gardening  Spain

Most bulbs do not require much maintenance, but it is important to do the little things that help the bulb return year after year.

Gardening Collecting and Storing Seeds

gardening silk-floss-seeds-in-pod

Spanish Gardening

Spanish seed collecting Saving flower seeds is a lot of fun and it is easy to do, because most flower seeds store well until the following spring and summer, when you can sow them.

Bush Beans

gardening bush-beans-1

Spanish Gardening

Bush Beans  There are many varieties of bush beans to choose from.

They can be green, yellow, or purple and come in all kinds of shapes and sizes so you can add a variety of textures and colour to your dinner plate.


gardening mealy bug

Spanish Gardening

Mealy bugs Their populations can creep up on you and be difficult to control.

This is why it is important to treat plants once you find this pest.


Almond Trees

gardening Almond trees, 4

Spanish Trees Gardening

The almond trees (Prunus dulcis) is a small to medium sized deciduous fruit tree

It is one of the first trees to flower at the close of winter and in February over large parts of Spain.

Spanish Green Lawn Gardening

gardening benissa green

You CAN grow a real green grass lawn in Spain if you choose the right type of grass!!

Spanish Green Lawns. Spanish Gardening.

Gardening Poinsettias or Christmas stars

gardening Poinsettia

(Euphorbia pulcherrima) Poinsettias Poinsettias are native to Mexico and Central America and can be kept indoors as house plants or, in our mild climate, be utilized as colourful landscape shrubs, easily reaching 2-4m.

Spanish Gardening

Aloe Vera

gardening aloe veraa

Aloe is a succulent (Liliaciae Sub species aloinae), a member of the lily and onion family, also related to garlic and asparagus, of which there are more than three hundred varieties but of which only a few had medicinal properties.

It is generally accepted that the most potent is Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller. Spanish Gardening.

gardening water-lillies-pink-group

Water Lillies

Water lilies are beautiful and with a pond, a large pot and a little bit of care, they can bring some real glamour to any tropical garden.


gardening potatoes-Potatoes, 2

Potato (Solanum tuberosum), also known as Irish potatoes, are a staple food for many people and the most commonly grown tuber crop.

Unknown to most, the potato originated in Peru or Bolivia, were brought to Spain by the early explorers and spread rapidly throughout Europe.


Pistachio Nut Trees

gardening pistachio nuts

Spanish Trees

Pistachios are one of the oldest flowering nut trees. Flourishing in hot climates, pistachios spread from the Middle East to the Spanish Mediterranean.

Persimon Fruit Trees

gardening persimon-tree

The Persimon has a gorgeous yellowy orange coloured skin that is easily peeled away to reveal the sweet orange flesh.

Spanish Trees Fruit Trees in Spain.

Sea Thrift

gardening SEA THRIFT

Armeria maritima, better known as Sea Thrift or Sea Pink.

Spanish Wild Flowers

gardening wild-flower-Asphodelus-fistulosis

There is an abundance of colourful wild flowers everywhere here in Spain. 

Along the roads in the campo and of course in the woods.

Gardening Ground Cover

gardening ground-cover-5-mauve

Ground covers are usually creeping, sprawling or clumping plants, but can also include low growing shrubs and perennials, if they spread to cover the area.

Kiwi Fruit Trees

gardening kiwi-fruit-Kiwi, 2

Spanish Trees Fruit Trees in Spain.

kiwi fruit Kiwi tree fruits were introduced to the western world at the beginning of the 20th century.

Spanish Hedges

gardening hedge-Berberis

Hedges are more eco-friendly, providing colour, and habitat for birds and bees.


gardening hakeas pink white older

Most hakeas are small to medium shrubs, but some can reach small tree proportions.

Gardening Curry Leaf Tree

gardening curry tree berries

The curry leaf tree in Spain, a native of India, is a small, evergreen tree in the citrus family (Rutaceae) with very pungent aromatic leaves.

They have a distinct, spicy curry-like flavour and generally go by the name curry leaves.

Fennel The Herb

gardening Fennel plant

Fennel Mediterranean Herb  Fennel is a gorgeous Mediterranean perennial herb with a delicate aniseed flavour and is often used in Mediterranean dishes.

Herbs in Spain



gardening camellias

“Camellias are amongst the world’s best flowering plants.
They are hardy and disease resistant, most varieties have attractive, glossy green foliage, and they put on their fabulous flower display in the cooler months of the year when the rest of the garden often looks dull and bare”

Persimmon Fruit Trees

gardening persimon

“Persimmon” or “KAKI Persimmon” is the flavoursome Spanish variety (and registered trade mark) of the traditional, classic Kaki, or Persimmon (with a double ‘m’),
Fruit Trees in Spain.

Vanilla Cultivation

gardening Vanilla orchid 400

Vanilla is the second most expensive spice in the world, next to saffron, because growing the vanilla seed pods is labour-intensive.

Rose Tree Cuttings.

gardening Rose Tree Cuttings

Rose Tree Cuttings  in Spain.

There are four different ways of propagating roses- seed-sowing, layering, budding, and taking cuttings (hardwood and softwood).

Avocado Trees

gardening avocado-avocado_tree

Always plant avocado tree where they will get full sun and in well-drained soil.

They do not like wet feet so allow the soil to dry a bit in between watering

Fruit Trees in Spain.

Gardening Spanish Winter Evergreen Plants.

gardening spanis-sedum

Spanish Winter Evergreens October and November just before it gets colder here in Spain is time to plan your winter Spanish garden.

Butterfly Gardens

gardening Butterfly-Gardens-Spain

Plant your butterfly garden in a sunny location, but sheltered from the winds.

Butterflies use sunlight to regulate their body temperature.

Spanish Gardens


Scented Plumeria Trees

gardening Plumeria-Tree

Plumerias spectacular colours, enchanting fragrances, and several hundred different tree varieties all combine to make these stunning plants a real “Tropical Gardener´s” delight.

Trees in Spain


gardening sage-Pink sage

Sage has been valued over the centuries by many cultures and has a long history of medicinal and culinary use, and in modern times as an ornamental garden plant.

Hibiscus Rose of Sharon

gardening hibiscos

Hibiscus is a deciduous, flowering shrub with large showy flowers (in single or double flowering form, with solid colours or bicolours) that blooms all summer long.

Trees in Spain.

The Dance Plant.

gardening Dance Plant

Dance Plant Have you ever watched a plant move all by itself?
The unusual Desmodium gyrans, also known as the ‘Dance plant’, is another of the few plants in the world that visibly – and quickly – moves its leaves

Spanish Gardens


Castor Bean Plant

gardening Castot bean red

You have probably seen this exotic plant before, it is gorgeous with its large, boldly coloured leaves, but look out – it is the highly toxic Castor bean plant (Ricinus communis).

How to make Wasp and Fly Traps

gardening wasp-trap-4

Wasp Traps How to keep wasps and Fly’s away by making a natural and beautiful fly or wasp catcher with a plastic bottle and fruit juice that works.

Gardening Sturt’s Desert Rose

Sturts-Rose gardening

Sturts desert rose has also been known as Darling River rose, cotton rosebush and Australian cotton.

Peacock Flower Tree Caesalpinia pulcherrima

peacock-flower gardening

Peacock flower tree is very easy to grow in alkaline to acidic, well-drained soils. This is a fast growing plant and moderately tolerant of salty conditions.

The best store to buy Cannabis seeds is at a click away!

Flower Pollen Allergies

Allergies gardening

Flower Pollen Allergies Gardening in Spain Pollen and mould spores from many plants can trigger asthma attacks, hay-fever and other allergies.

Building a bottle tower

Plasic-Bottle gardening

For container gardening

This is very eco friendly idea and way of gardening.

Plus very interesting to watch growing your very fresh Vegetables to eat, or just to grow bright pretty flowers.

Grow your own. Soursop

Graviola Soursop Fruit Spain gardening

Commonly called “graviola A Natural Cancer Cell Killer?

Graviola Tree Soursop commonly called graviola

A Natural Cancer Cell Killer? See the video plus read about it yourself.

Gardening Grapes in Spain.

patio-grapes gardening

Growing grapes in containers is probably the best way for the amateur gardener and in Spain you will often see grapes growing on patios.

Gardening Growing Hydrangeas in Spain

Mophead-hydrangea gardening

Hydrangea macrophyllas have two distinct forms to their blooms. The one most often encountered in gardens is the mophead or hortensia hydrangea, which has a mass of coloured sterile florets that form a round head.

Olive Oil

Olives-Spain gardening

A severe shortage of olive oil has some foodies worried.
CREDIT: Mauro Pezzotta /

Blueberries in Spain

blue-blueberry_harvest gardening

The blueberry plants are both edible as well as decorative, and are very attractive shrubs.

Orange Trees

Orange-in-pot-Spain gardening

How to grow Orange Trees from pips or grafting methods.  Just watch the videos.

Squirrels in Spain

brown-squirrel-gravel gardening

Tree squirrels are really cute – in fact some of their antics can be downright adorable.

How to take Plant cuttings for propagation

Rose Tree Cuttings

Plant cuttings are a piece of a plant that is used in horticulture for  propagation.

A piece of the stem or root of the source plant is placed in a suitable medium such as moist soil.

Geranium Propergation Info plus videos of how to.


Geranium Propergation   Pelargoniums, commonly known as geraniums, are a large, diverse group of mostly evergreen and tender plants used as bedding or houseplants.

Gardening Seed Propagation Do It Yourself.


Seed Propagation can be great fun.

All you need is a bit of patience and a sunny windowsill to get you started.

We bring you info and videos of how and when.

Orchid Growing

orchid monkey

Tips Orchids like to live in bright shady position in the Villa or Apartment to avoid any damage to them.

They are one of the easiest house plants to care for.



Hemp Cannabis growing for your own personal use.

Growing Cannabis can be easily grasped by remembering that it is a plant.

Angel’s trumpet Brugmansia 


Angel’s trumpet Brugmansia is a heat-loving tropical or subtropical shrub that likes warm (80 -85 degrees F) days and cool nights.

Growing ginger

ginger root flower

In containers is fairly easy.

The plant will give out a wonderful scent and enhance the area it is growing in.

Watch the videos to learn how.

Mint tips on how to grow from cuttings in pots

mint pot

They are fast-growing, extending their reach along surfaces through a network of runners.

Gardening Basil herb growing.


Try a pot on the balcony, there are many varieties all with different flavours that you can try.

With our climate they grow well in Spain.  

Marigolds Cultivation


Hints and interesting videos 2 watch.

Marigolds, African Marigolds, Tagetes erecta, the Mexican marigold, also called Aztec marigold, is a species of the genus Tagetes native to Mexico.

Gardening Petunias from seed

seeds petunias

For your garden.

Petunias from seed cultivate them yourself in a warm place such as a sunny windowsill.

Enjoy seeing them come to life and germinate. Plant out when ready.

Tamarind Tree

Dwarf Tamarind Tree

Is a leguminous tree in the family Fabaceae indigenous to Italy and Spain.

The tamarind tree grows easily in Spain and requires little care. The fruiting season is October, November, December. Native to Madagascar

The Fruit is Highly rated for detoxing the system watch the interesting video on the page.

Gardening Flora of the Mediterranean: An Illustrated Guide (Illustrated Guides)

Mediterranean flora

The Mediterranean a land of blues skies, warm sunshine, rugged mountains and azure seas.

Yet this familiar image conceals another Mediterranean a secret landscape populated by a dazzling variety of wild flowers and plants, from spectacular orchids and ancient olive trees to delicate snowdrops and hardy cacti.

The good news is that while many plants and flowers seem to be fainting away, there are others that really thrive under these conditions.

The tough-as-nails flowering plants in this week´s and next week´s article will provide the colour you want, while tolerating the most intolerable summer heat.

So without further ado, here are some suggestions to replace stressed and faded plant material in your landscape that will also conserve water, while looking like a million dollars in full, hot sun (Or cut out and keep the articles for choosing next year´s summer flowers):

Summer is here, and all over the globe people are experiencing above average temperatures. Many of us are having well over 30° C days and very warm nights. Because of this, many of our normal colourful summer annuals have faded in their vigor and beauty.

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Spain info also covers Bowls Clubs Golf Go Karting fishing Caves and other sports here in the Mediterranean.
The web site Spain info also lists the Local Hot Water Spas many of them dating back to Roman times.


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Spain Info,

Optimised April 20 P 90 W 100 H 63 Jan 14 H 77 May 12 H 93 F Feb 5 Gardening 122192 289/423 P 97

Urb Marina, San Fulgencio, 03177, Alicante, Spain.

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